PMF Founded by Leonard BernsteinPMF MUSIC PARTNER 2016 July vol. 21

PMF 2016 Begins

PMF 2016 has begun, ushering in another summer of music in Sapporo. The PMF 2016 Opening Concert held on July 16 (Sat) was very well attended. On the Sapporo Art Park Outdoor Stage, where the festival was born, the PMF Orchestra performed Leonard Bernstein’s “Candide” Overture and three other pieces under the baton of Keitaro Harada, a PMF Conducting Academy alumnus who now actively performs with several major U.S. orchestras. With its clear and brilliant sound, the PMF Orchestra made the opening of PMF 2016 a truly memorable event for the audience as well as a celebration of the festival’s founder.

PMF 2016 Opening Concert conductor Keitaro Harada


Japanese Culture Experience Program Run
by the PMF Volunteer Group “Harmony”

Numerous PMF Academy members joined the Japanese Culture Experience Program offered by the PMF Volunteer Group “Harmony”, taking time out of their busy rehearsal schedules to experience aspects of Japanese culture such as the tea ceremony, Japanese traditional musical instruments and dressing in kimonos. The program, provided at the Tagaden auxiliary shrine in the main Sapporo Gokoku Shrine precinct, also gave attendees opportunities for in-depth interaction with local residents. The fun they had together helped break the ice.

The PMF 2016 Academy

The PMF 2016 Academy is made up of 97 young musicians from 27 countries and regions around the world, who are working toward harmony through music and transcending differences in nationality, language and culture to contribute to world peace.

The young musicians of the world


Gratitude and Respect for the Legacy of the PMF Founder
~The Bernstein Legacy Concert~

In the closing stages of his life, Leonard Bernstein summoned all his strength to launch PMF in order to educate people through music and share the joy of music with many people. Alongside his career as a leading 20th century conductor and composer, his passion and enthusiasm for PMF represent an important part of his legacy.
The Bernstein Legacy Concert is a special program at which gratitude and respect for the PMF founder are expressed. This two-hour concert highlights his achievements via the fresh sounds of the PMF Orchestra.

Bernstein Legacy Concert July 27 (Wed) at 19:00 Sapporo Concert Hall Kitara *Same-day tickets will go on sale at 18:00 in the Entrance Hall.

From Sapporo to the world − PMF 2016 The 27th international educational Pacific Music Festival PDF
Bernstein Legacy Concert

Event added YAMAHA CD Concert Featuring the Release of the NS-5000 − Yamaha's Flagship HiFi Speaker Bernstein's legendary live recordings

July 27 (Wed) at 16:30
Sapporo Concert Hall Kitara, Small Hall Free admission

This special event offers opportunities to listen to popular Bernstein music via YAMAHA’s next-generation NS-5000 speaker technology, which was released in the summer of 2016. Enjoy Bernstein’s acclaimed performances through these top-of-the-line speakers.

Planning and MC: Yasushi Tanaka
Representative Director,
Classical Music Sommelier Association

NS-5000 Special site Japanese only

Legendary Bernstein live recordings


Fresh Summer Festival of Classical Music
~Picnic Concert~

The annual Picnic Concert in Sapporo Art Park is an iconic PMF event. It has gained popularity as a gathering at which people can enjoy classical music at leisure in natural surroundings. Lounge on the lawn in the park and enjoy a picnic in a family friendly environment. Classical music may have a reputation of being hard to enjoy casually, but the Picnic Concert may just change this perception. This Picnic Concert scenario is exactly what Bernstein envisioned when he created PMF.
The Picnic Concert brings together Sapporo’s rich natural environment and classical music in a refreshing atmosphere unique to this northern region. It is expected to add new excitement to PMF in the summer of 2016.

Picnic Concert

Picnic Concert Leonard Bernstein Memorial Concert

August 7 (Sun) at 12:00
Sapporo Art Park Outdoor Stage

Picnic Concert

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Pacific Music Festival Organizing Committee
Sumitomo Seimei Sapporo Chuo Bldg. 1F 1-14, Minami 2 jo, Higashi 1 chome,
Chuo-ku, Sapporo 060-0052
TEL: +81-11-242-2211  FAX: +81-11-242-1687
(c) PACIFIC MUSIC FESTIVAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE all rights reserved.Donations for the Creation of the 25th Anniversary Project Bernstein Statue (Report)