PMF Founded by Leonard BernsteinPMF MUSIC PARTNER February 2015 vol. 4
Breaking News

PMF 2015 Audition Results

The results of the PMF 2015 auditions, held from November 11, 2014 through January 2015, have been announced!

PMF 2015 Audition Results

Eighty five young musicians (the PMF Academy) from 24 countries and regions will gather in Sapporo to participate in the festival. Their encounters will result in new sounds, and new inspiration.

Appearing with PMF for the first time!
Principal Conductor David Zinman

David Zinman, born in New York, is a 5-time Grammy Award winner along with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra and the Tonhalle Orchester Zurich, and has brought forth a steady stream of tour de force performances into the world. In this edition we highlight two PMF 2015 programs with distinctly different concepts for which he will serve as Principal Conductor. Performances featuring the brilliant resonance of the highly skilled PMF Orchestra in response to Maestro Zinman’s supreme conducting are highly anticipated.

Principal Conductor David Zinman
Principal Conductor David Zinman left ©Priska Ketterer/right ©Tom Haller

Zinman, known for many years as a conductors’ conductor and committed to instructing the next generation, will instruct the PMF Conducting Academy through Program B. Having received direct instruction from Zinman himself, these conductors of the future will take on a famous classical work: Mozart’s Symphony No. 34. On July 26, the 3 young conductors will each conduct one movement, each offering their own unique embellishment to the stage.

Principal Conductor David Zinman2 left ©Priska Ketterer/right ©Tom Haller

Programs A and B, with the PMF Orchestra led by famous conductor David Zinman, are not to be missed!

PMF Orchestra Concert flyer for these programs is available for download here.

PMF Friends: “My Seat”

PMF Friends: My Seat

The PMF Friends “My Seat” ticket set, offered since PMF 2013, operates on the concept of “enjoying a once in a lifetime sound in your favorite seat.” Highly popular among members each year, it is becoming a fixture program.

It consisted of only S Seats at the beginning, but since last year A Seats and B Seats have also been added.Savor the PMF 2015 program and the sound of the PMF Orchestra as it is progressively polished through Programs A, B, and C in the newly renovated Sapporo Concert Hall Kitara. Go directly to your seat with ease, and divide tickets among family and friends if you like. PMF Friends “My Seat” ticket sets are limited to Friends members, offering convenience as well as discounts.

PMF Friends “My Seat” (120 seats available) Sets include 3 concerts:PMF Orchestra Concert (Program A)  7/18 (Sat) or 7/19 (Sun) choose one /PMF Orchestra Concert (Program B)  7/25 (Sat)/PMF GALA Concert (including PMF Orchestra Concert Program C and more)  8/1 (Sat)/My Seat S (70 seats)¥20,000 → discounted to ¥17,000 (including tax)/My Seat A (30 seats)¥16,000 → discounted to ¥14,000 (including tax)/My Seat B (20 seats)¥13,000 → discounted to ¥11,500 (including tax)/Members-only “PMF Friends Premium Ticket Coupons” offer an additional ¥1000 discount!
PMF supporting-member group PMF Friends

Using “PMF Online Services”

In addition to the delivery of PMF MUSIC PARTNER, registered-user “PMF Online Services” include a concert-ticket reservation system. In this edition, we introduce some of the system’s features.

PMF Online Services
About PMF Online Services Point 1 You can choose your own seats. *Available 24 hours/Point 2 There is no limit to the number of purchases.
* Group discounts are available for purchases of 10 or more tickets per concert (please contact the office for details)./Point 3 Shipping is free for purchases of ¥10,000 or more./Point 4 Choose from among 5 methods of payment:<Cash / Credit Card / Bank Transfer / Convenience-store Payment /	Payment on Delivery>

Available 24 hours (except when under maintenance). Free shipping on purchases of ¥10,000 or more, payment by credit card, and convenience-store payment are available for online reservations. PMF Online Services offer simplicity and convenience!


Messages from Readers 3 Months Since the First Issue


Here we present messages from readers during the 3 months since the November 20, 2014 launch.


It’s nice to be able to see articles immediately without needing to search for them on the webpage. (Male, Sapporo)


I went to the PMF GALA Concert and the Picnic Concert in 2014. It was a time of unforgettable musical experiences in summertime Sapporo. (Female, Kobe)


Finally, PMF online! We need an English version immediately. (Male, Sapporo)


An English version is sent around the globe along with the Japanese version to PMF alumni and people in the music world.
Please contact us at if interested in receiving the English version.


Lately, the conductors are all fascinating. It makes me so happy! I really look forward to Zinman. (Male, Ebetsu)


It’s embarrassing to admit, but I didn’t even know of its existence. It had been a long time since I listened to music of such warmth, power, and skill, since I had been so propelled and energized by music. I felt refreshed, and I even cried along with the conductor. (Female, Yokohama)


I look forward to the Tokyo concert every year. I came to know PMF during my time working in Sapporo and have fond memories of attending the Picnic Concert with friends. (Male, Tokyo)

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Tickets for PMF 2015 can be purchased through PMF Online Services starting on April 12 (Sun) at 10:00 AM JST.

Pacific Music Festival Organizing Committee
Sumitomo Seimei Sapporo Chuo Bldg. 1F 1-14, Minami 2 jo, Higashi 1 chome,
Chuo-ku Sapporo 060-0052
TEL : 011-242-2211  FAX : 011-242-1687
(c) PACIFIC MUSIC FESTIVAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE all rights reserved.Donations for the Creation of the 25th Anniversary Project Bernstein Statue (Report)